Tag Archives: alien species

C3 Impacts of Humans on Ecosystems (SL & HL)

C.3 impact of humans on ecosystems from Bob Smullen

Bio C3 Human Impact in 5 minutes from roxprice:

5 Human Impacts on the Environment: Crash Course Ecology #10 with Hank Green:


Invasion of the deadly Cane Toad (4m video); Giant Cane Toad (1m); and for fun: Cane-Toad, an animation short, Pixar-style

The threat of invasive species – Jennifer Klos (5m from TED-Ed); Are Invasive Species Breaking Ecosystems? (4m); Invasive Species, Rats in Pacific Islands (NatGeo, 2m)

25 most invasive creatures on earth (10m); Island solutions: Eradicating invasive species for biodiversity restoration (3m)


DDT Let’s Put It Everywhere 1946 (5m 45s); DDT A Threat to America’s Bald Eagles (3m); Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification in Marine Ecosystems (4m)


What really happens to the plastic you throw away:

The Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch:

and some good news! – India has banned all forms of disposable plastic in its capital (1m video).