Tag Archives: respiration

IGCSE Bio Topic 12 – Respiration

Topic 12 revision notes in downloadable word format.

For self-assessment questions, with exercises and discussions, just click on the correct topic at Biology GCSE & IGCSE Question Bank. A powerpoint can be downloaded from the same site here. The s-cool revision site lets you revise the topic, summarizes the topic & tests you on it. Skoool gives you a lesson, including progress questions, for each Biology topic but you’ll need sound on for it. GCSE Bitesize has revision pages (that take you through the topic), a test and an activity.

Lessons from Ms Cooper: Respiration introduction in 7m; Aerobic respiration in 14m; Anaerobic respiration in 12m; Designing an experiment for rate of respiration in 4m 22s.

What is aerobic respiration? a short (51s) introductory video from Clipbank.

Aerobic anaerobic respiration from faroukfj99 (a nice simple powerpoint)

Science Bank 8 (Biological Reactions): you only need Part 2 – Respiration (from 5m 20s to 9m 55s):

Dr. Kiki talks about how fermentation works and whips up some home made ginger ale at the end.

B6 Respiration (Combined Science)

For self-assessment questions, with exercises and discussions, just click on the correct topic at Biology GCSE & IGCSE Question Bank. A powerpoint can be downloaded from the same site here. The s-cool revision site lets you revise the topic, summarizes the topic & tests you on it. Skoool gives you a lesson, including progress questions, for each Biology topic but you’ll need sound on for it. GCSE Bitesize has revision pages (that take you through the topic), a test and an activity.


What is aerobic respiration? a short (51s) introductory video from Clipbank.

Science Bank 8 (Biological Reactions): you only need Part 2 – Respiration (from 5m 20s to 9m 55s) and you only need to know about aerobic respiration:


Science Bank 22 (Body Parts): you just need Part 1 – The Lungs (to 5m 20s):

How do the Lungs work? – a three and a half minute TED-Ed lesson:

Gas Exchange – a 3m video on oxygen transport from lungs to cells. The Respiratory System – a 3m 30s video on how the respiratory system works. The Virtual Body – Circulation, Respiration & Breathing (a 19m video).

Respiratory system song:



Infographic from the fabulous Compound Interest – just click on it to enlarge.

8B Respiration

Breathing videos – The Human Body: Breathing (11m 42s); BBC Curriculum Bites: Breathing (1m), Breathing 2 (1m 25s), Breathing 3 (3m).

Scientific Eye – Energy for Life – a 19m 9s video:

Science in Action – Respiration – a 19m 13s video.

Want2TlkScience? –Respiration – a 6m 27s video.

Scientific Eye – Breathing – a 14m 18s video.

KS3 Bitesize foundation level – Humans as Organisms part 1 – a video covering nutrition & the digestive system, the skeletal system & how muscles work, then finally the process of Respiration and the Respiratory System.

A nice simplied powerpoint and here’s a 4m 25 s video: The Human Body – Heart & Circulation .

8.2 Cell Respiration

IB 2.8 & 8.2 Cell Respiration Part 1, a 12m video lesson from Dan Rott and IB 2.8 & 8.2 – Respiration Part 2 (7m).

3 video lessons from Alex Lee: Electron Tomography of Mitochondria (2m 33s); Phosphorylation (4m 13s) and Chemiosmotic Theory Paradigm Shift (3m 53s)

8.1 Cell Respiration essay qus

Paul Andersen covers the processes of aerobic and anaerobic Cellular Respiration in a 14m 14s tutorial and here is Hank Green’s Crash Course Biology #7: ATP & Respiration:

An excellent 6m overview of Cellular Respiration (Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, Electron Transport).


A fantastic animated tutorial from McGraw Hill Education on how glycolysis works.

Steps of Glycolysis Reactions Explained in 5 minutes and in more detail than we need but it is very good. and here Mr W sings the Glycolysis! rap. Glycolysis Pathway Made Simple !! a 6m biochemistry lecture.


Here is a fantastic animated tutorial from McGraw Hill Education – how the Krebs cycle works.

Mr W sings the Kreb’s! rap. A very detailed lesson on HOW TO LEARN KREB’S CYCLE in 17m.


Here are some fantastic animated tutorials from McGraw Hill Education – how NAD+ works, the ETC & ATP synthase & proton pump & ATP synthase.

Powering the Cell: Mitochondria, a 2m 9s visual treat from Harvard University; and here is part of it with narration. Mr W sings the ETC rap (badly!) and here is the ETC in a 7m video – more detail than you need but it is great!



Animal mitochondrion structure & the human mitochondrial genome (click to enlarge)










Cellular Respiration (2.8. and 8.2 together):

IB Biology cellular respiration 2015.ppt from Bob Smullen

Key terms as flashcards from Quizlet (you also can test yourself in a number of ways):

2.8 Cell Respiration

Find a video lesson on this sub-topic at Dan Rott videos, or many assessment statements are covered by Stephanie Castle (with more being added all the time).

In Crash Course Biology #7 – ATP & Respiration, in which Hank does some push-ups for science and describes the “economy” of cellular respiration and the various processes whereby our bodies create energy in the form of ATP.


AP Biology Lab 5: Cellular Respiration from Mr Andersen

A respirometer simulation from Pearson