Tag Archives: transpiration

IGCSE Bio Topic 8 – Transport in Plants

Topic 8 revision notes in downloadable word format.

For self-assessment questions, with exercises and discussions, just click on the correct topic at Biology GCSE & IGCSE Question Bank.

Skoool gives you a lesson, including progress questions, for each Biology topic but you’ll need sound on for it. GCSE Bitesize has revision pages (that take you through the topic), a test and an activity. 

A introductory lesson in transport systems from Ms Cooper (7m).

Transport in plants from Ruba Din


Lessons from Ms Cooper: Transport of water through the root (10m 10s); Transport of water in stem (5m 20s); Movement of water through the leaf (7m 24s).

Transport in plants in three and a half minutes:

Or how about a whole lesson from Mr Paul Andersen? He goes into more detail than we need (we have to know about Dicots but not Monocots), but he’s good:

The most amazing thing about trees (5m video).


More-detailed than we need but it’s good:

Mr Paul Andersen starts by defining transpiration as evaporation of water from a leaf. He then describes how a potometer can be used to measure the rate of transpiration in different environments:

Lessons from Ms Cooper: Transpiration (15m) and Plant Transport Experiments from Ms Cooper (8m 42s).

How to use set-up a potometer: Transpiration: the power of the potometer, a 17m video from STEM Learning.


Here’s a 2m video on Phloem Loading (in a little more detail than we need).

A lesson in Translocation from Ms Cooper (10m 10s).

B5 Transportation (Combined Science)



Transport in plants in three and a half minutes:

Or how about a whole lesson from Mr Paul Andersen? He goes into more detail than we need (we have to know about Dicots but not Monocots), but he’s good:

The most amazing thing about trees (5m video).


More-detailed than we need but it’s good:

Mr Paul Andersen starts by defining transpiration as evaporation of water from a leaf. He then describes how a potometer can be used to measure the rate of transpiration in different environments:

For self-assessment questions, with exercises and discussions, just click on the correct topic at Biology GCSE & IGCSE Question Bank.

Skoool gives you a lesson, including progress questions, for each Biology topic but you’ll need sound on for it. GCSE Bitesize has revision pages (that take you through the topic), a test and an activity. 


Mr Exham’s site has a fantastic section on Blood and Circulation: videos, animations, quizlets, worksheets – go here now!

For self-assessment questions, with exercises and discussions, just click on the correct topic at Biology GCSE & IGCSE Question Bank. The s-cool revision site lets you revise the topic, summarizes the topic & tests you on it. Skoool gives you a lesson, including progress questions, for each Biology topic but you’ll need sound on for it. GCSE Bitesize has revision pages (that take you through the topic), a test and an activity. 


GCSE Bitesize – Blood Circulation covers how the heart circulates blood & the composition of blood (6m 35s).

Other videos include The Virtual Body – Circulation, Respiration & Breathing (19m), Science in Focus – Life Blood (19m 15s) & BBC Short Circuit Blood & Circulation (19m).

Various animations about heart & circulation problems can be found here.


Blood GCSE from dhmcmillan

Blood video (a 3m 44s lesson) & Blood music video by Peter Weatherall – 3m 3s and very catchy! And here is a day in the life of a Red Blood Cell (a one minute cartoon) & here a white blood cell chases a bacterium (20s).


Heart Structure and Function from Faiq Bin Zahid

Science Bank 22 (Body Parts): you just need Part 2 – the Heart (from 5m 20s to 10m 15s):

Infographic from Compound Interest: Chemistry-of-Blood-Colours-v2.3

9.1 Transport in the Xylem of Plants

9.1 transport in the xylem of plants from Bob Smullen

Fantastic animated tutorial from McGraw Hill Education on Plant Transport: Xylem & Phloem.

A 13m 43s video lesson covering all of 9.1 from Dan Rott:

Paul Andersen explains how nutrients and water are transported in plants in Plant Nutrition & Transport.

PRESCRIBED PRACTICAL 7 – Transpiration rate using potometer

Measurement of transpiration rates using potometers

Plant experiments – notes from BioNinja

Olabs have simulations on the Rate of Transpiration and a Study of Stomatal Distribution.