Tag Archives: DNA

7.1 DNA Structure & Replication

7.1 dna & replication from Bob Smullen

Find a video lesson on this sub-topic at Dan Rott videos.

How DNA is packaged (1m 43s):

Here are some fantastic animated tutorials from McGraw Hill Education – DNA Replication (in prokaryotes) and DNA Replication fork.

HL Replication in a 5m video: Protein Synthesis.

Paul Andersen describes the molecular structure of DNA in What is DNA?. And here, he explains DNA Replication:

Here’s a TED-Ed lesson on what happens when your DNA is damaged


IGCSE Bio Topic 17 – Inheritance

Here are key terms and some definitions: Key Terms B9

GCSE Bitesize more-or-less covers all of Variation, Inheritance & Evolution in 15m.

For self-assessment questions, with exercises and discussions, just click on the correct topic at Biology GCSE & IGCSE Question Bank. A powerpoint can be downloaded from the same site here. The s-cool revision site lets you revise the topic, summarizes the topic & tests you on it. GCSE Bitesize has revision pages (that take you through the topic), a test and an activity.

This is a great power-point that covers most of this topic, although we don’t need to know about co-dominance or pedigree charts:

7.2 Transcription & Gene Expression

7.2 transcription & gene expression from Bob Smullen

Find a video lesson on this sub-topic at Dan Rott videos.

Fantastic animated tutorials from McGraw Hill Education – transcription and translation and Exons & Introns.

Control of Gene Expression

Regulated Transcription in under 4 minutes from ndsuvirtualcell

Gene Regulation – a 10m video from Mr Andersen. He also explains Transcription & Translation in a 12m tutorial.

Epigenetics: epigenome: the symphony in your cells, a 5m video and here is Epigenetics from Learn.Genetics.


2.6 Structure of DNA & RNA


IB 2.6 – DNA Structure in 9m from Dan Rott:

What is DNA? – Stated Clearly (5m 24s):

DNA structure (a very simple animation in 1m 20s):

Many assessment statements are covered by Stephanie Castle (with more being added all the time).

Some excellent interactive animations & tutorials on DNA – just click on ‘Tour the Basics’ & ‘Build a DNA molecule’.

DNA Structure – another vid (in 3m 6s) and here is Mr W’s DNA, fantastic! rap.

How to draw a molecule of DNA (thank you Stephanie Castle):

Some past paper questions answered by IB Blueprint: DNA Structure – Past Exam Paper 1 QuestionsFormation of DNA Double Helix – [Subscriber Q&A]DNA Structure – Paper 2 Questions.


2.7 DNA Replication, Transcription & Translation

DNA Replication, Transcription, & Translation in 10m from roxprice:

Many assessment statements are also covered by Stephanie Castle (with more being added all the time).


An animated tutorial from McGraw Hill Education – structural basis of DNA Replication

In Crash Course Biology #10 – DNA Structure & Replication, Hank introduces us to that wondrous molecule DNA and explains how it replicates itself in our cells.


For the Polymerase Chain Reaction – click on ‘PCR’ to see an Interactive Animation from Wiley or here for two animated tutorials from McGraw Hill Education – PCR. Or why not use PCR yourself in a Virtual Lab from Learn.Genetics (labs on PCR & DNA extraction). Or there’s a 12m PCR for A level video; a 4m video on PCR hereand from the DNA Learning Center (1m 28s):

The PCR song:

MESELSON & STAHL experiment (proof of semi-conservative replication)

Great animation from McGraw-Hill and here’s a 4m video from Mr Andersen on the Meselson-Stahl experiment or from Youreka Science the most beautiful experiment in Biology (7m 33s).


Transcription & translation, a 2m 51s animation:

Simple Gene Expressionanimated tutorial from McGraw Hill Education

This will take you step-by-step through transcription & translation and here is a translation animation – short and simple.

In Crash Course Biology #11 – Transcription & Translation, Hank imagines himself breaking into the Hot Pockets factory to steal their secret recipes and instruction manuals in order to help us understand how the processes known as DNA transcription and translation allow our cells to build proteins.

Some past paper questions answered by IB Blueprint: DNA Replication, Transcription & Translation – Past Exam Paper 1 Questions: Paper 2 QuestionsQuestion 17 [Conservation of DNA sequence during replication]

3.4 Inheritance

IB Biology 3.4 inheritance from Bob Smullen

A short, simple explanation of Mendel’s work:

Mr Andersen talks you through Genetics:

And here Paul Andersen introduces A Beginner’s Guide to Punnett Squares in a 12m 15s tutorial. He also gives examples of monohybrid crosses and one example of a dihybrid cross (which we don’t need to know for SL).

In Crash Course Biology #9 – Heredity, Hank and his brother John discuss heredity via the gross example of relative ear wax moistness.

Inheritance of blood types:

Radiation & Mutation

Chernobyl: what happened thirty years ago? – one of the engineers tells his story in 2m 50s. The health dangers of radiation in 4m 32s.

Sickle Cell Anaemia

A 4m 40s video from TEDEd: How this disease changes the shape of your cells

3.5 Genetic Modification & Biotechnology

IB Biology 3.5 genetic modifcation and biotechnology from Bob Smullen

An animated, narrated tutorial on Gel Electrophoresis from Sinauer Associates, and here is a video tutorial from Stephanie Castle:

For Gel Electrophoresis & DNA profiling – click on ‘Restriction Digestion & Gel Electrophoresis’ to see an Interactive Animation from Wiley or here for fantastic animated tutorials from McGraw Hill Education – DNA fingerprinting & Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) or how about a 5m27s lesson from Naked Science Scrapbook: how does DNA fingerprinting (DNA profiling) work?. Or, finally, Paul Andersen describes the process of DNA Fingerprinting and DNA profiling.

How to set up and run a Gel electrophoresis (for DNA profiling):

For Gene Transfers (genetic modification) see these fantastic animated tutorials from McGraw Hill Education – Restriction Endonucleases, steps in Cloning a gene & construction of a Plasmid vector or click on ‘Cloning’ to see an Interactive Animation from Wiley.

An animated, narrated tutorial on human embryonic stem cells (from Sinauer Associates).

Some excellent interactive animations & tutorials on Stem Cells, Gene Therapy or Cloning just click on Genetic Technology at the bottom of this page or for DNA extraction, Gel electrophoresis, PCR & DNA microarrays just click on Virtual Labs.