Tag Archives: elements

C3 Atoms, Elements and Compounds (Combined Science)

But just how small is an atom? – from TED-Ed.

Here are some key terms for this topic: Key Terms C3




A decent power-point, although we do not need to know about isotopes:

Short videos on what is an atom and parts of an atom (from The Virtual School) in English; and here’s one in Australian. Science Bank 17 (Atomic Structure):Part 1 – structure of the atom, Part 2 – atomic number & mass number, Part 3 – electronic structure.

The Virtual School have made a number of other short videos. Here’s one on atomic & mass number; this covers energy levels & electronic configuration. Some practice exam questions on atoms go here and here. And here’s a poem.

GCSE s-cool – Atomic Structure – revision notes & animations, practise exam questions & a revision summary. Skoool Chemistry – click on ‘5. Atoms & the Periodic Table’ for excellent lessons that take you through atomic structure; also a glossary of key terms. For Doc Brown’s Chemistry quizzes, word-fills, crosswords and study notes go here and just scroll down to ‘17.Atomic structure, isotopes, electronic structure’.. Chemactive worksheets & answers just click on ‘Atomic Structure questions’.


In case you didn’t get that, here’s a lesson on ionic bonding. Some other Virtual School videos include the formulae of ionic compounds and their names part 1 and part 2.


A 15m lesson covering Ionic, Covalent & Metallic bonding from ChemistryKlipz (you don’t need metallic bonding in this topic):

A nice review of bonding and here’s a song:

And now we need another song. Oh, here’s Mr W singing his Octet Rule Song.

Revision sites covering Bonding:

GCSE s-cool – Chemical Bonding – revision notes & animations, practise exam questions & a revision summary. For Doc Brown’s Chemistry quizzes, word-fills, crosswords and study notes go here and just scroll down to ‘18.Structure, Properties and Bonding of Materials’.

Skoool Chemistry – click on ‘1. Structures & Bonding’ for excellent lessons that take you through the topic; also a glossary of key terms. Worksheets from Mr Guch that cover Properties of Ionic & Covalent Compounds.

For fun, here’s Chemical Party (a 1m 30s vid).

C9 The Periodic Table (Combined Science)

GCSE s-cool – The Periodic Table (we don’t need group II) – revision notes & animations, practise exam questions & a revision summary. Skoool Chemistry – Elements of the Periodic Table for excellent lessons on the different groups. For Doc Brown’s Chemistry quizzes, word-fills, crosswords and study notes go here and just scroll down. Chemactive worksheets and answers just click on Periodic Table questionsHere’s a great power-point that also covers C8.4 Identification of ions and gases:

The periodic table and identification of ions from Carole Paquette

And here’s another great power-point:

The periodic table from gdelagdeg

Here are some key terms for this topic: Key Terms C9


This is also a short Virtual School intro to the periodic table & Mendeleev – What is the Periodic Table?; part 1 of this Science Bank video is called ‘introducing the periodic table and this BBC Short Circuit Periodic Table is a 19m  video.

Why not try the Periodic Table time trial challenge? – it’s addictive.

A dynamic (wow!) periodic table is here and lots of other periodic table designs can be found at Science Notes.

Want to learn the first 10 elements? Try the Periodic Table song by Peter Weatherall. Or how about a lesson about every single element on the periodic table – created by the Periodic Videos team using the TED-Ed platform?


Two short videos from The Virtual School What are groups in the periodic table? and the alkali metals.

A classic Open University clip about the (group I) alkali metals:

Brainiac carried out similar demonstrations – or were they faked? You decide.

Other videos featuring the alkali metals include part 1 of Science Bank 3: Patterns of Reactivity (to 4m 10s) and Chemistry of Groups 1, 7 & 0, and a 12m lesson from ChemistryKlipz.

The Periodic Table of Videos present the group 1 elements (the alkali metals): lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, caesium and francium (potassium has the best reaction).




Infographic courtesy of the fabulous Compound Interest blog – just click on it to enlarge.



Halogens and Noble gases from Arrehome

Videos featuring the halogens also include Chemistry of Groups 1, 7 & 0, a 12m lesson from ChemistryKlipzScience Bank 3 (Patterns of Reactivity): part 2 (from 4m 10s  to 8m 50s) and:

The Periodic Table of Videos present the group 7 elements (the halogens): fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine and astatine.




Infographic courtesy of the fabulous Compound Interest blog – just click on it to enlarge.



Transition elements from Shah Fiza

Science Bank 18 (Patterns of Behaviour): part 3 covers the Transition Metals (from 9m 25s).



Infographic courtesy of the fabulous Compound Interest blog – just click on it to enlarge.




Videos featuring the noble gases also include this classic Open University clip and a 12m lesson from ChemistryKlipz: Chemistry of Groups 1, 7 & 0Science Bank 18 (Patterns of Behaviour): part 2 covers the Noble Gases (from 4m 40s to 9m 25s).

The Periodic Table of Videos present the group 0 or 8 elements (the noble gases): helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and radon.



Infographic courtesy of the fabulous Compound Interest blog – just click on it to enlarge. Also this one:



IGCSE Chem Topic 9 – The Periodic Table

GCSE s-cool – The Periodic Table (we don’t need group II) – revision notes & animations, practise exam questions & a revision summary. Skoool Chemistry – Elements of the Periodic Table for excellent lessons on the different groups. For Doc Brown’s Chemistry quizzes, word-fills, crosswords and study notes go here and just scroll down. Chemactive worksheets and answers just click on Periodic Table questionsHere’s a great power-point that also covers C8.4 Identification of ions and gases:

The periodic table and identification of ions from Carole Paquette

And here’s another great power-point:

The periodic table from gdelagdeg

Here are some key terms for this topic: Key Terms Topic 9

8F Compounds & Mixtures

KS3 BitesizeElements, Compounds & Mixtures & Separation Techniques (a 14m 21s video); Elements, Compounds & Mixtures  (a video covering Elements, Compounds & Mixtures and the Periodic Table) and Chemical Reactions (a video covering Word Equations, Oxidation & Combustion Reactions, Decomposition Reactions & Helpful & Unhelpful Reactions).

Atoms, Molecules, Elements & Compounds (Wan2tlkScience?), a 9m 18s video; Scientific EyeAtoms & Molecules (19m); Science in Action – Mixtures (19m).

IGCSE Chem Topic 3 – Atoms, Elements & Compounds

But just how small is an atom? – from TED-Ed.

Here are some key terms for this topic: Key Terms C3

Revision sites covering Bonding:

GCSE s-cool – Chemical Bonding – revision notes & animations, practise exam questions & a revision summary. For Doc Brown’s Chemistry quizzes, word-fills, crosswords and study notes go here and just scroll down to ‘18.Structure, Properties and Bonding of Materials’.

Skoool Chemistry – click on ‘1. Structures & Bonding’ for excellent lessons that take you through the topic; also a glossary of key terms. Worksheets from Mr Guch that cover Properties of Ionic & Covalent Compounds.

For fun, here’s Chemical Party (a 1m 30s vid).

3.2 Bonding

3.2.1 BONDING: the Structure of Matter


In case you didn’t get that, here’s a lesson on ionic bonding. Some other Virtual School videos include the formulae of ionic compounds and their names part 1 and part 2.


A 15m lesson covering Ionic, Covalent & Metallic bonding from ChemistryKlipz:

A nice review of bonding and here’s a song:

And now we need another song. Oh, here’s Mr W singing his Octet Rule Song.


A 17m lesson about Giant Structures from ChemistryKlipz.:

The Periodic Table of Videos looks at Carbon – one of the most important elements for our lives on Earth. They look at various forms of elemental carbon, from diamonds to exotic graphene and buckyballs (10m 3s).

Here’s a 2m 31s lesson on Carbon (including graphite & diamond) by Peter Weatherall.

How about Burning a Diamond? – from the Royal Institution Christmas lectures of 2012.