Tag Archives: pollution

B10 Human Influences on the Ecosystem (Combined Science)

For self-assessment questions, with exercises and discussions, just click on the correct topic at Biology GCSE & IGCSE Question Bank. The s-cool revision site lets you revise the topic, summarizes the topic & tests you on it. Skoool gives you a lesson, including progress questions, for each Biology topic but you’ll need sound on for it. 

Here are key terms and some definitions: Key Terms B11

Eutrophication – a short video from The Virtual School:

Mr W sings Seven ways to reduce carbon.

Science in Focus – The Human Impact – a 19m video and here’s a short (less than 5 minute) video clip from BBC iScience – Acid Rain.

What really happens to the plastic you throw away:

The Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch:

4.4 Climate Change

4.4 climate change from Bob Smullen

IB 4.4 – Climate Change, a 13m lesson from Dan Rott. Global Climate Change, a 7m video lesson from Mr Andersen of Bozeman High. Here are a couple of good visuals: What’s really warming the world and A timeline of Earth’s average temperature.

Global Warming – a video by NASA (5m 49s):

How climate change will transform the planet:

Fantastic computer model from NASA showing how CO2 emissions across the world vary in a year (2006 in this case):

The Gulf Stream explained (in a nutshell, 5m)


How are global carbon dioxide levels measured? (3m 30s):

Measuring climate change (10m 30s):

Drilling back to the future (the importance of ice cores in 6m):


Mr W sings ‘seven ways to reduce carbon’:

Mr W also sings Climate Change Rap 1, Climate Change Rap 2 and Climate Change Rap 3.

A clip from Al Gore’s film An Inconvenient Truth which includes ‘None like it hot!’

Key terms as flashcards from Quizlet (you also can test yourself in a number of ways):

David Mitchel’s take on the precautionary principle in Burden of Proof

IGCSE Bio Topic 21 – Human Influences on Ecosystems

For self-assessment questions, with exercises and discussions, just click on the correct topic at Biology GCSE & IGCSE Question Bank. The s-cool revision site lets you revise the topic, summarizes the topic & tests you on it. Skoool gives you a lesson, including progress questions, for each Biology topic but you’ll need sound on for it. 

Topic 21 revision notes in downloadable word format; to be completed.

This powerpoint covers a lot of Topic 21, as well as revising a lot of Topic 19:

Igcse biology edexcel 4.1 4.17 from Marcos Rodriguez

Science in Focus – The Human Impact – a 19m video.

21.1 Food Supply

A work in progress!

21.2 Habitat Destruction

21.3 Pollution



Eutrophication – a short video from The Virtual School:

A lesson (how sewage kills fish) from Mr Dare:


What really happens to the plastic you throw away:

The Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch:


A lesson on the Enhanced Greenhouse Effect from Mr Dare:

Mr W sings Seven ways to reduce carbon.


A lesson on Acid Rain from Mr Dare:

Here’s a short (less than 5 minute) video clip from BBC iScience – Acid Rain.

21.4 Conservation

A work in progress!

11.2 Air


IGCSE Chemistry topic 11, part 2 – Air:

Traffic Pollution is a 3m 14s vid from BBC iScience. Science Bank 1 (Raw Materials): nitrogen & the distillation of liquid air can be found from 8m 31s to 10m 40s and BBC Short Circuit Changes in Atmosphere is a 19m video covering global warming.


IGCSE Chemistry topic 11, part  3 – Air: rusting & carbon dioxide:

IGCSE Chemistry, a 25m lesson from ChemistryKlipz covers rusting from 11m to 13m 50s.

GCSE s-cool – Rusting – revision notes.