Tag Archives: blood

IGCSE Bio Topic 9 – Transport in Animals

Mr Exham’s site has a fantastic section on Blood and Circulation: videos, animations, quizlets, worksheets – go here now!

For self-assessment questions, with exercises and discussions, just click on the correct topic at Biology GCSE & IGCSE Question Bank. The s-cool revision site lets you revise the topic, summarizes the topic & tests you on it. Skoool gives you a lesson, including progress questions, for each Biology topic but you’ll need sound on for it. GCSE Bitesize has revision pages (that take you through the topic), a test and an activity. 

Topic 9 revision notes in downloadable word format.

GCSE Bitesize – Blood Circulation covers how the heart circulates blood & the composition of blood (6m 35s). Other videos include The Virtual Body – Circulation, Respiration & Breathing (19m), Science in Focus – Life Blood (19m 15s) & BBC Short Circuit Blood & Circulation (19m).

Various animations about heart & circulation problems can be found here.


Heart Structure and Function from Faiq Bin Zahid

A lesson on Blood Vessels and the Heart from Mr Dare:

Lessons in Structure of the heart from Ms Cooper (17m 50s) and in The heart beat from Ms Cooper (12m 30s) – this one in more detail than we need.

Bank 22 (Body Parts): you just need Part 2 – the Heart (from 5m 20s to 10m 15s):

A lesson on Coronary Heart Disease from Mr Dare:


A lesson in Blood vessels from Ms Cooper (10m 39s) and here is her lesson on Lymph and Tissue Fluid:


Blood GCSE from dhmcmillan

A lesson on Blood from Mr Dare:

Blood video (a 3m 44s lesson) & Blood music video by Peter Weatherall – 3m 3s and very catchy! And here is a day in the life of a Red Blood Cell (a one minute cartoon) & here a white blood cell chases a bacterium (20s).

A lesson in Blood from Ms Cooper (16m 28s), and here’s her lesson in Blood in defence (11m).

Infographic from Compound Interest:


B5 Transportation (Combined Science)



Transport in plants in three and a half minutes:

Or how about a whole lesson from Mr Paul Andersen? He goes into more detail than we need (we have to know about Dicots but not Monocots), but he’s good:

The most amazing thing about trees (5m video).


More-detailed than we need but it’s good:

Mr Paul Andersen starts by defining transpiration as evaporation of water from a leaf. He then describes how a potometer can be used to measure the rate of transpiration in different environments:

For self-assessment questions, with exercises and discussions, just click on the correct topic at Biology GCSE & IGCSE Question Bank.

Skoool gives you a lesson, including progress questions, for each Biology topic but you’ll need sound on for it. GCSE Bitesize has revision pages (that take you through the topic), a test and an activity. 


Mr Exham’s site has a fantastic section on Blood and Circulation: videos, animations, quizlets, worksheets – go here now!

For self-assessment questions, with exercises and discussions, just click on the correct topic at Biology GCSE & IGCSE Question Bank. The s-cool revision site lets you revise the topic, summarizes the topic & tests you on it. Skoool gives you a lesson, including progress questions, for each Biology topic but you’ll need sound on for it. GCSE Bitesize has revision pages (that take you through the topic), a test and an activity. 


GCSE Bitesize – Blood Circulation covers how the heart circulates blood & the composition of blood (6m 35s).

Other videos include The Virtual Body – Circulation, Respiration & Breathing (19m), Science in Focus – Life Blood (19m 15s) & BBC Short Circuit Blood & Circulation (19m).

Various animations about heart & circulation problems can be found here.


Blood GCSE from dhmcmillan

Blood video (a 3m 44s lesson) & Blood music video by Peter Weatherall – 3m 3s and very catchy! And here is a day in the life of a Red Blood Cell (a one minute cartoon) & here a white blood cell chases a bacterium (20s).


Heart Structure and Function from Faiq Bin Zahid

Science Bank 22 (Body Parts): you just need Part 2 – the Heart (from 5m 20s to 10m 15s):

Infographic from Compound Interest: Chemistry-of-Blood-Colours-v2.3

6.2 The Blood System

BioKnowledgy Presentation on 6.2 The blood system from Chris Paine


How to draw the heart: 6.2.1 Heart Structure, a video from Stephanie Castle or heart diagram v2, a video from David Faure. Here is Mr W’s musical quiz on the Heart.

6.2.2 Coronary Arteries a video from Stephanie Castle.


Blood flow through the heart, a 1m 50s video or How the Heart Works 3D Video, a 3m video. A fantastic animated tutorial from McGraw Hill Education on the cardiac cycle. and here’s an animated, narrated tutorial on blood flow through the human heart (from Sinauer Associates).

The conducting system of the heart, another animated tutorial from McGraw Hill Education.

A tutorial on the cardiac cycle from Utah University.


Contents of Blood, a 9m video and 6.2.5 Relationship between structure and function of arteries, veins and capillaries, a 3m video from Stephanie Castle.

William Harvey  Misunderstood Geniuses, a 5m video.

Paul Andersen surveys The Circulatory System in humans in an 11m 35s tutorial.

In Crash Course Biology #27 – Circulatory & Respiratory Systems, Hank takes us on a trip around the body – we follow the circulatory and respiratory systems.

Mr W’s Circulatory System rap. How bones make blood, 4m 42s video from TED-Ed.